How to Apply Glitter to Your Tumblers: 4 Methods

Making glitter tumblers can seem complicated at first. While it doesn’t necessarily have to be difficult, there are many different factors to consider.

One of the main challenges when making glitter tumblers is figuring out how to make the glitter stick to the surface of the tumbler.

Several methods can be used to achieve this, but the best one will depend on the desired overall look of the tumbler.

1. Glitter Glue

For this method, you need glitter glue, a tumbler that is ready and base-coated, and a brush. The key is to make the glitter glue smooth on the tumbler. So there is enough glue to cover the whole tumbler

If the glue is not smooth, the glitter will not be smooth. Thus, brush the glue until it is smooth. Then, while the glue is still wet, sprinkle the glitter on the tumbler.

This method is perfect for beginners because it is easy and fast. You don’t need to wait for the glue to dry before adding the glitter.

The downside is that it can be messy and wasteful and there is a high chance of spilling glitter or glue on your work area.

2. Grand Finale and Glitter

Another way to put glitter on your tumblers without making a mess is to use Grand Finale and glitter.

It is best to use very fine glitter or additive glitter. They are like powder and mix the glitter with the Grand Finale. But your tumbler must have a base coat that matches the glitter.

Then, brush the Grand Finale and glitter mix over the base coat. Use light pressure and make it smooth. Two coats will work the best to cover your tumbler with glitter.

This method gives you a cool look with no mess and is good for people who want a subtle and elegant glitter effect.

Plus, you don’t need to worry about the glitter falling off or getting everywhere because you can also control the amount of glitter you use. The downside is that you need to use very fine glitter or additive glitter. They are more expensive and harder to find.

3. Tack-it Method

The Tack-it method involves using glue that stays sticky. You’ll need to apply two coats of the glue, which starts white but becomes clear as it dries (this usually takes about 10 minutes).

While there are other similar glues available, Aleene’s is a popular choice. Once the glue is dry, sprinkle glitter over it and press down with your finger or hand to make it flat and smooth.

This method creates a unique effect that differs from other methods. Holographic glitter works especially well, but any fine glitter will do.

If you are looking to create a unique and sparkly glitter effect, this method is perfect for you. You can use any type of glitter you like, and it will stick to the glue without falling off.

However, this method requires two coats of glue, which takes time to dry. Patience is necessary and it is essential to press the glitter well; otherwise, it will look lumpy and uneven.

4. Spray Adhesive

One way to apply glitter to your tumblers is by using spray adhesive.

To do this, you will need a tumbler that has been base coated and is ready to be decorated, as well as a spray booth or a cardboard box to work in.

Begin by spraying a thin and even layer of adhesive onto the tumbler, then swiftly sprinkle the glitter. It’s important to do this quickly before the adhesive dries.

The great thing about using spray adhesive is that you don’t have to bother with brushes or glue. But there is a downside. You need to use a spray adhesive, which can be toxic and flammable.

It is important to wear a mask and gloves and work in a well-ventilated area to avoid any potential hazards.

Also, be careful not to spray too much or too little adhesive, otherwise, the glitter will not stick well or will appear clumpy.