Can You Put Soda In Your Stanley Cup?

Stanley cups have become popular among those who follow the Healthy Girl movement. It is believed that using these cups indicates that you are drinking a lot of water.

But what if you want to use your Stanley cup for something other than water, like soda? Can you do so without damaging the cup or compromising its performance? The answer is yes, it is perfectly fine to put carbonated drinks into your Tumbler.

I have even seen people add a pint of ice cream with no problem. However, some people are still unsure about using their Stanley cups for soda, especially considering how expensive they are.

Will the Acid from the Soda Damage the Cup?

I noticed on social media that some people are concerned about the acid content in Stanley cups. Soda contains carbonic acid, which forms when carbon dioxide dissolves in water.

Although carbonic acid is a weak acid, it can still corrode some metals over time.

However, don’t worry about the effects of acidic substances on your Stanley Cup. The interior of Stanley cups contains stainless steel, which is highly resistant to corrosion and rust.

You can safely drink acidic beverages such as soda, vinegar, or lemon juice in your cup without damaging it. Just make sure to rinse and clean your cup after every use to prevent any potential harm caused by the acid.

Yes, it’s that easy!

Can Pressure Build-Up from Carbonation Damage Your Stanley Cup?

soda in stanley

Another concern that people have when putting soda in their Stanley cups is the pressure build-up from carbonation. Soda is a carbonated drink, so it contains dissolved carbon dioxide gas.

When you open a soda bottle or can, you hear a hissing sound, which is the gas escaping from the liquid.

When you put soda in your Stanley cup, the gas can escape because the tumbler isn’t airtight. Hence, there is no need to worry. You can drink your Coke or Sprite with ease.

Will the Soda Leave a Bad Smell in Your Stanley Cup?

Come on now, if you do not wash your cup, then whatever you put in it will leave a smell, including soda.

These drinks contain sugar and other ingredients that can leave a sticky residue and a bad odor in your cup. Sadly, this can affect the taste and smell of your next drink, and it can also attract bacteria and mold.

To avoid this, you must clean your cup thoroughly after each use.


Stanley cups are versatile and reliable products that can hold any beverage you want, including soda. However, you need to be careful and follow some guidelines when putting soda in your Stanley cup, to avoid damaging your cup or compromising its performance.

In this post, I have explained how you can safely and effectively put soda in your Stanley cup, and what you need to watch out for. I have also answered some common questions that you may have.