8 Fixes For When A Stanley Lid Is Stuck

It happens.

After a long day of sipping water from your tumbler, you need to remove the lid to rinse or wash it for the next day.

However, sometimes the lid can get stuck, and you don’t want to pull too hard and risk damaging it. So, you need to find a safe way to remove the lid without causing any harm.
I have got you.

Just recently, I have been in the same situation, and lucky for me, I just submerged the lid in hot water, and it popped right off.

If you have tried this trick already, then there are seven more you can try. One must work.

I have sent this question to my email list subs to find out what they do when their Stanley tumbler lid is stuck, and I have got some amazing fixes.

1. Run It Under Hot Water

This was the first fix that came to my mind because it deals with thermal expansion.

When you expose the stuck lid to hot water, the material expands slightly more than the tumbler. This expansion helps break the tight seal caused by any gunk.


  1. Run the faucet: Let the hot water run until it reaches a comfortably hot, but not scalding, temperature.
  2. Focus on the lid: Hold the tumbler upside-down so the hot water runs directly over the sealed lid for about 30-60 seconds. Avoid getting the tumbler body too hot.
  3. Try to loosen: Use a dish towel for grip and try to twist the lid off.

I love this method because it is a good starting point as it’s safe, simple, and doesn’t risk damaging your Stanley Tumbler.

2. Gently Twist The Lid

When twisting the lid, don’t wrench it while holding the handle. Hold the cup firmly and gently but with force and twist the cup from the top while supporting the entire cup.

This requires force directly on the point of resistance – the connection between the lid and the tumbler.

Holding the cup firmly provides a stable base and prevents the container from warping under pressure.

I also found this super hack on Reddit where you take out the straw stick your finger in the hole and turn.

3. Twist The Spinner And Pour Hot Water

One of my subscribers said if her Stanley lid is stuck she always turns the spinner to the larger opening and pours in hot water.

This works because it combines thermal expansion with pressure relief. The hot water heats the lid from the inside and outside, causing it to expand slightly.

The open spinner prevents pressure buildup inside the container, allowing the lid to loosen easily.

She says to wait 30 mins before pouring out the water. Then try removing the lid with a small towel again.

4. Put it in the freezer

Putting your Stanley in the freezer for a few hours can help unstuck the lid by taking advantage of thermal contraction.

When materials get cold, they shrink slightly. Since the lid is likely plastic and the container is metal, the lid will contract more than the tumbler itself.

The difference in shrinkage can help loosen the tight seal and make the lid easier to twist off.

5. Remove the Straw And Let Air In

Allowing air in helps unstuck the lid by canceling the air pressure inside and outside the container.

It is easy and works great.

6. Try A Rubber Jar Opener

If the hot water and gentle twisting aren’t doing the trick, try a rubber jar opener.

The rubber material creates friction against the lid, preventing your hands from slipping as you apply force.

It also has the best leverage, allowing you to unstuck your Stanley lid without scratching or damaging it.

7. Soak it In Soapy Water

Over time,  drinks or food can get stuck between the lid and the tumbler, acting like glue. Soapy water breaks down and loosens the gunk.

Add some dish soap to the sides of the lid. Wait ten minutes before washing off the soap.

Finally, twist and remove your Stanley lid. Soap is one of the safest routes ever.

8. Use The Belt Trick

It’s another hack I found on Reddit. These days all the best Stanley tips are there.

Wrap a belt around the lid. hold it tight and pull the belt while twisting the cup in opposite directions.

The belt’s texture offers a much firmer grip on the lid than your bare hands and gives a longer lever arm.

Twisting the cup in the opposite direction of the belt applies ‘torque’. Which again, applies twisting breaking the grip of a stuck lid.

But, Why is your Stanley Lid Stuck?

ReasonLet Me Explain
Over-tighteningThe most common culprit! Over-tightening compresses the gasket, creating a strong seal.
Temperature Changes Shifts between hot and cold can cause materials to expand and contract, sometimes leading to a jammed lid.
Residue Build-upDried liquids, sugars, or food particles can act like glue.
Vacuum SealAir pressure differences inside and outside the container.
Manufacturing DefectWhile less common, there’s a slight chance of a manufacturing issue causing the threads of the lid or container to misalign.
Stanlwy lid is removed

Wrapping Up

One of my eight tricks should help you when your Stanley Cup lid is stuck. The safest method is adding dish soap to remove any gunk causing the problem.

Running the lid under hot water works fine for me.

Using a belt is unique, but the Reddit Stanley community swears by it.